Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Agassiz to Hope: The Deluge

Trying to warm up in Agassiz

The (first) day of torrential rains. Driving rain that hammered into the tent loud enough to wake us up with a start. We lay in bed for over an hour, hoping the rain would stop so that we could get out of the tent but instead the storm intensified with each passing minute. Kieran was the first to brave the rain and he dragged all our gear into a nearby gazebo where a number of picnic tables had been stacked and stored.

We spent the morning huddled in the gazebo, sitting on upturned picnic tables and watching the icy silver sheets of rain billowing of the roof. We spread out our gear on the picnic tables, feebly hoping it would dry out enough for us to re-pack it. Everything was wet, the tent, the bedding, our clothes and, most tragically, my wool socks.

Eventually, we accepted that the rain was not going to let up. We decided to do the short ride into Hope where we could get a room. A little rain would have been fine, but this was not a little rain. This was biblical.

Our outlook improved somewhat in Hope because we came across our first one of these photo opportunities:

Keener Rambo

We have since resolved that we will stop for every single one of these damn things that we come across. (Aside: Is there an official name for these stick-your-head-in-the-hole-and-take-a-picture things?)

Stats: 40 km travelled; 4 wet feet; 1 head-in-the-hole picture
Total distance: 184 km

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for making me actually snort with laughter upon seeing that Rambo photo! And oh, the rain. I'm so sorry. When I envisioned you going on a cross country bike tour, I somehow did not think of there being an shitty weather--just clear blue skies the whole way! What a dupe I am.